Tuck’s Tooques is an Autistic-owned microenterprise offering handwoven, fleece-lined, winter hats, gloves, mittens, footies and socks. It’s a ProAutism microbusiness designed to develop a sustainable young man (Tuck) in operating a profitable business. Listen to the Episode below (00:22:33) Tuck’s Tooques’s Story: Tuck was diagnosed with autism at the age of two and a half. Being disappointed with school systems, Dennis, Tuck’s father, started thinking about preparing his…

This week’s show is all about an autism mom memoir. LeeAndra is the author of memoir Make A Wish For Me: A Family’s Recovery From Autism. LeeAndra attributes early intervention, tireless advocacy and letting go of “normal” as key factors in her son Ryan’s recovery in autism. When Ryan is diagnosed with autism at the age of two, LeeAndra and her family are forced to live with a disability that is…

Janet Walmsley’s daughter Jenny, diagnosed with Autism, faced many challenges on the way to reaching her dream of becoming a professional animator and published author. This heartfelt story relays the importance of perseverance, courage and strength between a mother-daughter bond as their journeys’ intertwine—revealing a mother who was her daughter’s rock right from the beginning and did everything in her power to help her daughter see the light at the…

We’re talking about prodigies and savants with autism on this show. KIMBERLY STEPHENS is a freelance journalist. She has coauthored academic papers on child prodigies and is a member of the D.C. Science Writers Association. She is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. With Dr. Joanne Ruthsatz, professor of psychology at The Ohio State University, she is author of THE PRODIGY’S COUSIN: The Family Link Between Autism…

Jeanette Purkis is the Autistic author of ‘Finding a Different Kind of Normal: Misadventures with Asperger Syndrome’ – an autobiography, and ‘The Wonderful World of Work: A Workbook for Asperteens.’ Jeanette works full-time in Government administration. She gives talks about living well with Autism in a variety of forums, including TEDx. Listen to the Episode below (00:22:41) Jeanette’s Story: Jeanette has been very driven in the last 15…