
AutismShow.org is home of The Autism Show Podcast (online radio show) reaching thousands of families and educators in 32 countries.

The Autism Show Podcast is a weekly interview show allowing leading autism advocates, educators, professionals, and organizations to share their inspirational stories and best resources with the global autism community.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher Radio.

Visit AutismHandbooks.com for the book resources.




Catherine Pascuas is an autism advocate and publisher of Autism Handbooks, book resources for families and educators.

Catherine was the producer and host of The Autism Show Podcast, a weekly interview show with top autism experts and changemakers (including Temple Grandin, Areva Martin, and Tania Marshall) between 2014 and 2017.




If you have a question, ideas you would like to share, or feedback, please reach out.

  • Email: catherine[at]edxautism.com