52: A Different Way of Seeing Autism with Dr. Barry Prizant

barryprizantBarry Prizant is one of the world’s leading authorities on autism, with more than 40 years experience as a scholar, researcher, and international consultant for individuals with autism and their families.

He’s an adjunct professor at Brown University and author of Uniquely Human.

Listen to the Episode below



Barry’s Story:

How is Barry’s new book, Uniquely Human, helping people better understand autism?

For years Barry has published professional journals in academic literature, and he realized that a lot of the information was staying within the academic community. Barry decided that he needed to express what he has learned over the years from people with autism and their families. So he wrote Uniquely Human with many practical stories that are engaging for people that may not have the technical background in special ed.

Hear more about Barry’s inspiring journey which led him to create the Uniquely Human book for people on the Autism spectrum.

We discuss:

  • How the book, Uniquely Human, is helping people understand autistic individuals.
  • Many great resources for parents and educators.
  • What parents, aunts, and uncles are learning from Uniquely Human.
  • How to understand autism and autistic people in a more balanced way.


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