How to Cope with Your Child’s Autism Diagnosis

Child Playing With BlocksIt’s easy to feel lost and alone when your child receives a diagnosis of autism.

You are bombarded with questions.  What should you do?  How should you cope?

There are very real challenges that accompany a diagnosis, but your attitude towards the diagnosis as a parent is very important.

No matter where your child is on the spectrum, your attitude about the diagnosis may have a far greater impact on your child’s development that you might think.

Self Esteem

Imagine growing up hearing the words “cure” or “disability” or “disease” about autism in the media or even from family and friends.

It doesn’t play for a strong message about self esteem. It would make you or anyone else feel less confident.

When you hear messages of potential and strengths, things that you can do, this gives you an extra boost of confidence.

How do you begin to accomplish this?

I wrote about it here: 5 Actions Every New Autism Parent Should Take

Learn a bit of history

Study the history of autism and see what a long way we as a society have come. The vast majority of children on the spectrum diagnosed in the late 1990’s to early 2000’s exceeded expectations that were laid out for them in their initial diagnosis. There is hope that your child will exceed expectations as well.

You can read a bit more about autism history here:

Surround yourself with positive thinkers

Check your attitude. Have you been around people with negative messages about your child? Think about the messages you could be inadvertently sending your child with these mixed messages:

“My son/daughter will never…”

“I love my child, but I hate what he has”

Brush off people who say hurtful things about your child. They are not as educated as you.

Those people who cast judgmental eyes on your parenting, throw them into a mental trash bin.

Treasure those people who can share the love and appreciation you have for your child.

About Catherine Pascuas

Catherine is the founder of Edx Autism.

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