How to Hire the Ideal Autism Paraprofessional – The Ultimate Parent’s Guide

I’m promising a FREE ebook here, so keep on reading…

As an autism parent, it’s up to you to make sure the autism paraprofessional working with your child is the best fit.

Autism paraprofessionals include behavior interventionists, ABA tutor, line therapists, educational assistants in the home, community or school setting.

But how do you know if a paraprofessional is the right match for your child?

Introducing a new autism book

I’m trying to tackle this problem by writing a new book called “How to Hire the Ideal Autism Paraprofessional – A Parent’s Guide.”

I’ve spent my evenings straining my eyes on the small amount of research about autism paraprofessionals.

I’ve typed out years of experience working as an autism paraprofessional and helping parents find the ideal match for their child.

Some memories bring back funny stories and lessons only learned through experience.

So, why write this book?

Parents have a hard time figuring out where to start when hiring a paraprofessional to work with their son or daughter.

Other parents think,

“Does this person understand my child’s needs?”

This book will guide parents, step by step through the hiring process to find the right match for their child.

I’m sharing tips and secrets from working closely with parents and Behaviour Consultants for the past 6 years.

Autism parents’ challenges and advice for hiring autism paraprofessionals will also be included in this book.

But I need your help.

Okay, so how do I get a free ebook?

I want to hear about your experience with hiring autism paraprofessionals to work one on one with your child.

I’ve made a short 2 minute survey so you can tell me about your experience.

Feel good about helping other parents and get a FREE ebook in the process.  It’s a win – win!

Sneak peak…
Stay tuned, because next week, I will be featuring some very important people in the autism world in a blog interview.

Check back here next week to find out who is being featured.

Did you fill out the survey yet? Here’s the link.

About Catherine Pascuas

Catherine is the founder of Edx Autism.

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