Steve Silberman has covered science and cultural affairs for WIRED and other national magazines for more than twenty years. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker,TIME, Nature, and Salon. He lives in San Francisco. Listen to the Episode below (00:34:40) Steve’s Story: Steve became interested in autism after meeting a few people in Silicon Valley who had children on the autism spectrum. He spent 5 years researching…
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Brenda “BK” Bradshaw is a former elementary and middle school teacher, special reading teacher, and assistant professor of elementary education. Brenda has always been immersed in children’s literature and enjoys character-driven stories with meaningful plots. In recent years, her three daughters have given her the inspiration to create the resilient female characters, Crystal Brave and Super Jewels. Listen to the Episode below (00:28:29) Brenda’s Story: Brenda’s autistic daughter was…

Dr. Linda Barboa holds degrees in speech pathology and audiology, psychology, and early childhood education. She is an experienced speech-language pathologist, with a background as a special education director, director of a center for autism, and university professor. She has worked as an educator in the United States and Europe and has presented numerous programs to professionals across the country. Dr. Barboa is the co-author of several books about autism,…

Dianne Porter is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, working with special needs children and their families for over 28 years. Dianne saw firsthand the isolation and segregation that families with an autistic child experienced. She is the co-founder and CEO of Missing Piece Awareness, a company that trains, certifies and supports businesses and their staff in autism awareness and acceptance (by facilitating interactive on-site trainings) in order to provide inclusive…

Lauren Brukner is a Senior Occupational Therapist who lives in New York City with her husband and three children, two of whom have emotional and sensory integration difficulties. She holds a Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy from New York University. She wrote two books addressing self-regulation on children. She specializes in sensory integration and self-regulation strategies in children and young people, and their implementation in home, school and community…