Carolina Groppa is the producer of Autism in Love. A feature length documentary about how adults with autism find and manage romantic relationships. Listen to the Episode below (00:14:38) Carolina’s Story: Prior to this film, Carolina knew nothing about autism. As she was researching autism for the documentary, she realized that there was nothing out there on adults with autism and romantic relationships. The Autism in Love documentary…
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Shelli Allen is the mother of two children with autism. She’s the author of Steps, Forming a Disability Ministry and a contributing author in Stars In Her Eye, Navigating the Maze of childhood autism. Shelli recently founded a Nonprofit called Steps Care which provides training, support, and resources to religious/faith based organizations that are seeking to provide a more inclusive environment to families living with special needs. Shelli is a…
About Marija Nedanova

Jacob Velazquez is an 8 year old gifted pianist with autism. He has performed on Good Morning America, The View, CNN & more. He was recently invited by Taylor Swift to meet her on tour after playing a medley for her and posting on Youtube. Jacob has already recorded his first album and dreams of becoming a music producer one day. Listen to the Episode below (00:21:33) Jacob’s Story:…
Tania Marshall is a best selling author and has worked in the field of child development, child and family psychology for 20 years. Tania had worked in a variety of roles, including private practice, the private special-needs school environment, and the children’s out-patient environment. She is the author of I am AspienGirl & AspienWoman, a best selling book on the Autistic female profile. She currently divides her time between private…

Lauren Brukner is a Senior Occupational Therapist who lives in New York City with her husband and three children, two of whom have emotional and sensory integration difficulties. She holds a Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy from New York University. She has just published a new book: How to Be a Superhero Called Self-Control!: Super Powers to Help Younger Children to Regulate their Emotions and Senses Listen to the…